NY Resolution

As we approach the end of 2019, there may be some of us who are already thinking about making a New Year’s resolution, such a taking out a membership to a gym, in anticipation of some serious indulging over the festive season!

We are already looking ahead to 2020 and resolve to attract more kind people to ‘give something back’ to help sustain the charity into the future by volunteering as fundraisers.  We will also need a new Treasurer at the start of their new financial year on 1st April.  Raising enough funds to support the free services that we provide is a constant battle, particularly as grant funding reduces or disappear altogether.

Service Co-ordinator for the charity, Nick Handley says, “Volunteers are often attracted to support good causes that have a greater profile than we do. The same applies when companies choose their ‘Charity of the year’. We would dearly love to hear from people able to give up a few hours to help fundraise for us, in any way they feel comfortable. They could really make a difference. They could do it as a group of friends or work colleagues”

Nick is hoping that his offering doesn’t match the usual failure rate for New Year resolutions of 88% – that’s according to a study by Richard Wiseman (University of Bristol) involving 3,000 people.

Many of those failures will be due to the abandoning of diets or failure to keep up gym attendances beyond the month of February!

Do get in touch for further details and check out our Vacancies page.