Domestic CCTV

There was an interesting article recently in The Guardian (online) which highlights the increasing use of CCTV cameras on domestic properties. It has become so much of an issue in terms of complaints of invasion of privacy and harassment that the Surveillance Camera Commissioner is looking into the situation. It might lead to a change in the law. About 80% of complaints to the Commissioner are about the use of CCTV cameras on a neighbour’s house.

Follow this link to view the full article. There is link to a related article.

This is the type of subject that can be very suitable for mediation in neighbour disputes. It is the bread and butter of the volunteer mediators at WSMS. The article highlighted a case in Cardiff that went to Court and Appeal but still left one party with a conviction, community service order and restraining order. i think most reasonable people would wish to avoid that outcome. That is where we come in.

The Commissioner called for neighbours to show “common decency” when it comes to installing cameras, pointing out that other people will see them as “invasive”. He would prefer it if neighbours could learn to get along without the stick of regulation, but he may be disappointed. In anxious, dislocated Britain, “love thy neighbour” is rapidly being replaced by “film thy neighbour”.

If you need further advice on the use of mediation to resolve a dispute, call our Caseworkers on 01403 257900/257800.